Bendi Bag
Wheelchair users will often have trouble finding an accessible toilet in unfamiliar areas, which can detract from the enjoyment of any outing or event and make life that bit more challenging.
The Bendi Bag can help solve such issues. It has been specifically designed for wheelchair users and fits to the shape of the knee.
Discreet Thigh Bag
Traditionally urine drainage bags are long and sit quite a way down the leg. This means that users may find themselves restricted in what they are able to wear in order to keep the bag hidden.
This can cause problems, especially in hot weather or during sporting activities.
The Manfred Sauer Discreet Thigh bag addresses these issues..
Comfort Bags
Our Comfort Bag range has a velvet smooth, real cotton, flock backing. It also has soft inlet tubing and an extra wide 3.8cm soft woven non-slip top strap for extra comfort and security.
All of the comfort leg bags come with an adaptor so that you can fit the night drainage bag of your choice.
Childrens Bags
A unique sterile drainage bag with small capacity and proportions, appropriate for a small child.
Comes with a direct inlet tube
It has a discreet twist tap that will not open accidentally while moving or out and about.