Hello everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and, even though we are halfway through January already, I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year.
Did I mention that I love Christmas? Well, I do. I love the lights, the decorations, the fun days out, carol singing and shopping. What’s not to like? I was a bit cheeky this year – I hid in our nurse manager’s Christmas tree. I think I fit in quite well. I also dressed up for the season as you never know when you might get invited to a party and, of course, I had to see Santa to make sure I was on the ‘nice list.’
Anyway, it all seems an age away now, doesn’t it? But we have a new year to look forward to and it’s a good time to focus on what we want to achieve and set out to get it done. One of my aims, as I said last year, is to get people talking.
So many people experience issues with their bladder and bowel but don’t know who to turn to when the going gets tough. We should all be able to talk about such issues as they have such an impact on quality of life and mental well-being. So, if you are struggling, why not give us a call on our Helpline (number below) or check out the Useful Links on our website. There is always someone willing to listen and you are not alone!
Do you receive a copy of our Infinity News? It’s a quarterly newsletter full of useful information, healthy recipes, patient feedback and loads more. If you haven’t received a copy yet, why not sign up and maybe contribute by submitting an article of your own? You will be surprised at how many people will benefit from knowing that your story is so like theirs.
Well, that’s it from me for now. Next month, I’ll be telling you all about some of our key products that help many people and, of course, our FREE prescription home delivery service.
Bye for now and don’t forget … get talking!
Helpline 01604 595 696