Hello everyone,
I hope you all had a great Easter weekend. It seems like it was ages ago already, doesn’t it? I hope you all enjoyed lots of yummy chocolate eggs and some valuable time with friends and family, which is so important for us all. As you can see, I got into the swing of things and met up with an Easter bunny 😊 Well actually, I was the Easter bunny!
I was very fortunate recently and as you will see from the photograph below, I went on my travels again. I left behind the rain and wind of the UK and travelled with Laura, our Dispensing Manager, to Vietnam. Two weeks of relaxation, adventure and, of course, sunshine. There may even have been a few bevvies along the way too.
I am now back in the UK and back at work meeting new people everywhere I go and helping the fabulous team here at Manfred Sauer to promote our products and services. And as you know, I am also trying my best to get everyone talking, not just here at the office but everywhere. A problem shared is a problem halved so it makes sense to talk to a friend, a neighbour, a family member, or anyone who will listen.
Did you know?
- 4 -7% of women <60 and 4 – 17% of women >60 experience daily episodes of urinary incontinence.
- 21% of 85-year-olds have severe or profound urinary incontinence.
- The NHS estimates that between 3 and 6 million people in the UK have some degree of urinary incontinence.
- Only 1:5 women affected seek help for incontinence issues.
- Over 10% of men >65 have urinary incontinence to some degree.
It helps when you know you are not alone doesn’t it? We are here to listen too. If you need to talk to someone, why not call our Helpline on 01604 595696 or email helpline@manfred-sauer.co.uk All callers will be treated respectfully and, if needed, can be referred to other service providers for support.
So, don’t forget – keep talking!
Bye for now,